by Wayne Hastings | May 2, 2009 | Self Promotion, Tweet, WordPress
After Chet twittered about my blog running the WPTouch theme, I was reminded I hadn’t customized it at all. First things first, a new icon! Now, if you go to this site ( on your iPhone or iPod Touch, click the Bookmark “+” icon,...
by Wayne Hastings | Apr 15, 2009 | WordPress
I’m a sucker for lists. Everytime I encounter a new list of someone’s favorite WordPress plugins or themes, I bookmark them all. Just look at my WordPress bookmarks on Delicious. So here is a list of the plugins I have installed and running on this site so...
by Wayne Hastings | Sep 27, 2008 | Design, Portfolio, WordPress
Over the weekend, I installed a new WordPress blog for Brooks Belhumeur. I took the Plain Box 2.0 theme together with a couple of plug-ins and viola, website. Since Brooks is between a career in restaurant management and a new career in … something else … I put...