ChronoContact “Daily Hints” bug

The current version of ChronoContact for Joomla 1.5 has a serious bug. Once installed, the Forms Management tab in ChronoContact will display a white page preventing you from managing forms in the component. jalal reported the issue on the Chronoengine forums, along...

Javascript navigation in PDF files

I’m currently working on an enhanced, interactive version of a 24 page brochure I designed. In the PDF, we’re adding web-like navigation items, including the standard previous and next buttons. Going through this tutorial, the best bit is how to use...

TweetDeck on Mac OS after Migration Assistant

Not sure how many other Mac users are going to have this problem, but it is worth blogging just in case. A couple weeks ago, my laptop died. Once I got the replacement in, I used the Migration Assistant in Mac OS to restore my Time Machine backup. Restoring from Time...