- @debcrawford Might I recommend Coletta's for good Memphis-area Italian? 2850 Appling Road in Memphis/Bartlett http://bit.ly/9cBv3I in reply to debcrawford #
- AMEN! RT @dailykos: LDS Church fined for failure to report contributions to Prop 8 http://bit.ly/doMMlu #
- Is there an appropriate punishment for BP? How do you make amends for destroying the entire Gulf of Mexico, exterminating species, etc.? #
- Meditating on the relationship between religion and science. On page 41 of Krista Tippett's book "Einstein's God" http://amzn.to/bchbZi #
- The "corporation" is a legal construction designed to limit liability. Now we want to hold BP accountable? How? #
- I know this is hard to believe, but GoDaddy just made their admin site harder to use. #
- WordPress 3.0 released http://bit.ly/IEf8k #