• SugarCRM 5.0.2f update is out http://bit.ly/cLAau #
  • oops, make that SugarCRM 5.2.0f is out… need… coffee… #
  • List of "40 Essential iPhone Applications For Web Designers", most of which are for pay http://bit.ly/VMeC0 #
  • @jeffmilton my Facebook status is already automatically updated when I post to Twitter — I don't see value in those URLs you listed in reply to jeffmilton #
  • Why do people feel ask questions in e-mail followed by so many question marks????????? Just one is fine, more makes you look like a child. #
  • RT @MakeMoneyIQ: IBM's free, cross-platform Lotus Symphony now MS Office 2007 compatible http://bit.ly/Up877 #