Two days ago, Lowes sent me an email notification that my order was ready to pick up.
I drove over today and accepted the items. I do inventory and I’m missing two things I thought I ordered: a PVC tubing cutter and the cross shape connector.
OK. I’m at Lowes. I go into the store and I can’t find a 3/4″ cross connector. Without the cross connector, I can’t build my frame as I designed it. I ask a sales person. They’re out. He checks local stores — they have a few (6) at the Skypark location. Ugh. I’ll deal with that later. I go home somewhat annoyed.
A couple of hours later, I get another email from Lowes saying my order is ready to pick up. Wut? Their systems must be lagging. But I open the email and … it’s the PVC tubing cutter by itself! No mention of the cross connector.
None of these emails indicate I’m getting a partial shipment. All email notifications use the same order number.
None list items remaining to deliver.
So confusing for normal people, being super literal just listing the items that arrive as they arrive.
So now I’m waiting another notification when the cross connector arrives. I guess? I don’t understand why pickup notifications don’t list the items for pickup AND a list of items that haven’t arrived yet.
But wait, it gets worse. I log into and it shows the items marked with status:
- Ready to pickup
- Picked up
- Cancelled
Wait, what? Cancelled? Yep. They show everything that I thought I ordered, including the PVC cutter and the cross connecter. Except the cross connector is marked CANCELLED.
So this ended up being a Lowes fail after all. Just WTF.