- Do 'Family Values' Weaken Families? http://bit.ly/cih4iN #
- Is it too late to tweet that Twitter is broken? I was trying to follow @jesus … and was refused #
- Oh well, it's beta http://bit.ly/9oeIjm #
- Observations on a Protestant-free Court http://bit.ly/9UF5UD #
- I'm a fan of the HTC Sense UI — given a choice between Google's Nexus One and HTC Evo, I'll take the Evo, no question. http://bit.ly/9OOvAH #
- Looking forward to the return of Cary Tennis' advice column "Since You Asked…" on May 17 http://bit.ly/cgpyn9 #
- Forget AT&T — HTC Evo + iPad = awesome http://bit.ly/9UlV81 #
- Diaspora to be the Facebook killer… really? http://bit.ly/bwWtl9 #
- @chetyeary Twitter for iPad? Why not TweetDeck? in reply to chetyeary #