- iPad Camera Connection Kit Can Be Used With USB Keyboards and Audio Headsets http://bit.ly/9CsPaP #
- “The fact is that running a democracy takes a certain amount of civic courage.” Justice A. Scalia #
- Steve Jobs' "Thoughts on Flash" — open standards work now, while mobile Flash is still "to come" http://bit.ly/bWLflu #
- Beta? Betta' not! Skyfire 2.0 for Android crashes my HTC Hero. http://bit.ly/cl8uzj #
- Who's right about Flash, Apple or Adobe (poll) http://bit.ly/9ftas6 #
- 36 SEO Myths That Won’t Die But Need To http://selnd.com/c8ebHy #
- I unfollow people who send me Twitter DM spam, especially if it is MLM or SEO related #