- Rush Limbaugh will leave the country if healthcare reform passes? I'm for THAT too! http://bit.ly/covbcl #
- I bet Liz Cheney would want a lawyer to represent her father if and when he's arrested for crimes against America… #
- A few reasons why I want an Apple iPad http://bit.ly/auNxsU #
- Digg unveils 2.0 public beta … does anyone care in this age of Facebook/Twitter? #
- Christians should leave Glenn Beck, and report themselves to Beck as supporters of social justice http://bit.ly/bdkpXh #
- Free "social CRM" integrates with Gmail through a browser plugin… very interesting… http://bit.ly/a59pc4 #
- LOL forced obsolescence RT @arstechnica: Unsurprisingly, IE9 won't be supported on an obsolete OS – http://arst.ch/gpx #
- No-Flash versions of WSJ and NPR coming (for the iPad) — woo hoo! http://bit.ly/cUFWbg #
- Amazon releases Kindle desktop app for Mac OS, finally! http://bit.ly/cKHbx9 #
- Two new client websites launch today http://bit.ly/9ftas6 #
- Android 2.1 coming to Sprint HTC Hero in "coming weeks" http://bit.ly/8Y0Ed9 #