• "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends." (I Cor. 13:7-8) #
  • Republicans: if you are for something UNTIL the President is for it, then you are a hypocrite #
  • RIM buys Torch Mobile… Blackberry web browsing to suck less. Webkit slowly taking over the total browser market. http://bit.ly/y4KpR #
  • "Happy Birthday, Dear Stimulus!" One year later, great success with more to come. http://bit.ly/bBBB68 #
  • I'm totally not paranoid, but reconsidering use of Foursquare, Brightkite, Loopt, etc. after @pleaserobme hit the news http://bit.ly/bzUeqV #
  • That people use God's word to justify their hatred and bigotry isn't reason enough to give up on God. #
  • WordPress 2.9.2 is out: your automatic upgrade is ready now http://wordpress.org/ #