- RT @BarackObama David Plouffe's @WashingtonPost op-ed today reminds us why November doesn't need to be a nightmare for Democrats: http://bi #
- What the Web of Tomorrow Will Look Like: 4 Big Trends to Watch (Mashable) http://bit.ly/5QDePL #
- "Pass the Senate Bill, Please" (Paul Begala) http://bit.ly/5pnYwM #
- RT @RandombyteCom: MyClientBase | Free and Open Source Web Based Invoice Management http://www.myclientbase.com/ #
- Too big to fail is too big. http://bit.ly/6uwif6 #
- Are the Twitter tags to watch for tonight #potus #sotu and what? #
- @its_rene You get out of it what you put into it: it's your #education in reply to its_rene #
- Hulu to live stream SOTU and allow embedding in other sites — nice http://bit.ly/aHzbWf #
- @chetyeary if I had the spare cash lying around, I'd be tempted to go Dell Mini and hackintosh it in reply to chetyeary #
- Apple iPad looks interesting. AT&T wireless still sucks. #
- @chetyeary you decided against an iPad, then? For an internet enabled reading device, I would want to leverage either ITMS or Android Market in reply to chetyeary #
- @chetyeary you're making me want to go toy shopping! whichever you decide to get, be sure you blog your experiences for the rest of us in reply to chetyeary #
- Cuddling up with TweetDeck and CNN for the #SOTU from #barackobama — so nice to hear from a President I actually voted for! #
- Ouch, I agree, too… RT @richweiser: 8 Things That Suck About the iPad: http://bit.ly/dyoLly, I agree with most of this… #
- Bank bailouts were/are unpopular, but have been profitable for the taxpayers http://bit.ly/3fpUKT #sotu #
- Any healthcare reform is better than the status quo. Alan Grayson had it right. http://bit.ly/CpN9l #
- Amen. RT @ealvarezgibson: It still blows my mind to have a president I can listen to without shame, anger or threat of vomiting. #sotu #
- Satisfied with #SOTU and with my President. Now I want to see #barackobama kick some butt and pull off some real progressive change. #
- @Theobinomy IMO #barackobama is trying too hard to be bi-partisan while the Republicans are blocking and filibustering EVERYTHING in reply to Theobinomy #
- If you must use Internet Explorer, please upgrade to the latest version! http://bit.ly/92H9cO #
- "We have got to close the gap a little bit between the rhetoric and the reality." #barackobama AMEN! http://bit.ly/9C3Fss #
- Google Pulls IE6 Support From Docs And Sites (TechCrunch) http://tcrn.ch/azuMSk) #
- RT @NathanFillion: Watching @MoTancharoen, @elizadushku, and @feliciaday in the Dollhouse finale. Whole lotta pretty going on there! #
- To be completely honest, I don't want bipartisanship. I want @barackobama to get done the things I voted him into office to get done. #
- Keep Flash off the iPhone and iPad. Flash was always a workaround, not a solution. #
- "The problem for Flash is just like the problem for IE — the web has already moved on." (John Gruber) http://bit.ly/9mRkif #
- "I can protect myself from my enemies, may God protect me from my friends." (Italian proverb) #
- "No good deed goes unpunished." — Clare Boothe Luce #
- @ModernInnovate welcome to Twitter #ff #
- "Don't drive angry!" Happy Groundhog Day! http://bit.ly/9vh6eR #
- "Flash is cilantro: you don't want to eat a bowl of it or live in a house made of it." (Merlin Mann) #
- @chetyeary do you want to eat a whole bowl of just cilantro? in reply to chetyeary #
- Sometimes Flash is just the right tool. And Adobe is working on making it run faster and more reliably. http://bit.ly/c6V6DD #
- wondering what percent of the "tea party" is evangelical Christian vs the Republican party #