- Updated my MacBook Pro yesterday, and Safari 4 is fast! #
- Grats to @skydata on being acquired by SAP, but where did your SugarCRM iPhone app go? #
- Center for Southern Folklore launches new exhibit: Taylor Made: The Life and Work of Rev. L. O. Taylor http://www.southernfolklore.com/ #
- Limited time, get KinitoPro for SugarCRM iPhone app http://bit.ly/nMduH #
- Android supports Lua… interesting… http://bit.ly/sXcKW http://bit.ly/14eRQg #
- @emmaswann any blog on blogspot has surprisingly high search engine placement, but yeah, WordPress is pretty easy to get running in reply to emmaswann #
- WordPress 2.8 RC1 is out, final release very soon http://bit.ly/gILqR #
- Updating plug-ins, getting ready to upgrade to WordPress 2.8. #
- Within minutes, upgraded two sites to WordPress 2.8 — this built in upgrade function they added in 2.7 rocks. #
- Hey, @joomla — have you seen the WordPress upgrade function? HINT HINT #
- @cyeary grats on the weight loss — 40 lbs is a lot in reply to cyeary #
- Set up my Facebook URL: http://www.facebook.com/waynehastings #